Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Best strawberry cake


  • 8 egg whites
  • 400 g sugar
  • 1 spoon of vinegar


  • 8 egg yolks
  • 200 g powdered sugar
  • 300 g grinded petite beurre cookies

  • 250 g margarine
  • 100 ml milk
  • 800-1000 g fresh strawberries
  • 300 g whipped cream

Mix egg whites. Add sugar and mix well. At the end add vinegar.
Bake crust on 150°C in baking pan on a baking paper for about 25 min.

Mix egg yolks with powdered sugar and margarine. Add cookies and milk.

Put half of filling on top of the crust, then sliced strawberries, then other half of the filling. Cover everything with whipped cream.

Place cake in fridge to cool.

Dobar tek!


Friday, June 28, 2013

Almond Horns

Ingredients for 35 horns:
  • 200g of flour
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 80g of powdered sugar
  • 1 vanilla sugar (10g/0,35 oz)
  • pinch of salt
  • 80g of ground almonds
  • 175g of butter
  • 100g of almonds cut into slices


Knead the dough with flour, egg yolks, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, butter, ground almonds, and 75 g of almonds in slices.
Put the dough into the foil and then in the fridge for 1 hour.
Pre-heat the owen on 180°C.
Put the baking paper on the pan, then roll dough into small horns (0,5 cm thick, 5 cm long).
Then bake them for 10 min.

When you finish you can dip them in chocolate and the rest of the almonds in slices.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Cherry cubes


1 cup = 250 mL
  • 250g grounded biscuits for cakes
  • 2 and a half cup of ground coconut
  • 1 can (~400g) of sweet condensed milk
  • 125g butter
  • 1 cup of sweetened cherries

For chocolate topping
  • 250g dark chocolate
  • 80g butter


You can use smaller baking pan, then the cubes will be thicker. Although you can use bigger pan but the cubes will come out a little thinner. :)

Mix grounded biscuits with coconut and cherries.

In a separate bowl melt the butter and mix it with condensed milk.

Now mix it all together very good, put it in the pan, flatten, and leave it.

For chocolate topping melt dark chocolate with butter, you can do it on the steam or in the microwave.
Then put it on the mixture in the pan, then put all together in the fridge for couple hours.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Paprika filled with macaroni

  • 500 g macaroni
  • 3 eggs
  • 300 g cottage cheese
  • 10 pieces of smaller paprika

    Clean paprika's from seeds, salt them from inside and fry them on oil.Cook macaroni.When done wash them out add oil from paprika, cheese and eggs...mix it all up, fill paprika's and bake them in the oven for a few minutes.Serve them hot!
    Dobar tek!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Apple pie

  • 1 cup ( 250 ml ) seam
  • 1 cup ( 250 ml ) sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 cups flour
  • 1 bag baking powder
  • 1,5 kg apples
  • cinnamon

    Mix seam and sugar, ad eggs, mix well, add flour, baking powder then make a dough (add a bit of flour if needed, dough needs to be soft but not to be sticky). Split dough in two part and kneed them equally.
    Peal apples, grind them add sugar and cinnamon( as much as you like) mix it all and put in fridge for a while. 
    Place one piece of dough in a pan on baking paper, spread apple filling on it and cover it with other dough. Bake in oven on 180°C app half an hour. 
    Once done cover it with powdered sugar, leave to cool down, cut only as much as you will serve so it wont dry.
    Dobar tek!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Milk schnitte

  • 5 eggs
  • 5 spoons of flour
  • 2 table spoons of cocoa
  • few drops of vanilla extract
  • pinch of baking powder
  • 5 spoons of sugar

  • 250 ml whipped cream
  • 1 cream hardener
  • 3 spoons of liquid honey
  • 1 vanilla sugar

Separate egg whites from egg yolks  Egg whites beat into hard snow. Egg yolks mix with sugar add flour,cocoa and baking powder. Add egg white snow and mix well.

Preheat the oven on 180°C.
Place mixture in a large and shallow pan on baking paper. Bake for app 10 min. Cut biskvit in half.

Mix whipped cream with cream hardener. Add honey and vanilla powder. Spread it on one half of biskvit and cover it with the other. Place in fridge for 2-3 hours. Once hard enough cut  in small slices and serve.

Dobar tek!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Cabbage rolls

  • 2 cabbage head sauerkraut
  • 1 kg minced meat
  • 300 g rice
  • 150 g dried salted meat
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 small onion
  •  vegeta, pepper, salt

  • 25 ml water
  • 2 spoons of flour
  • 2 teaspoons of red pepper
Chop onions and carrots.(small cubes)

Mix meat, rice, onions and carrot, pepper, vegeta and small amount of salt. You can add app 1 dcl warm water to the mixture to make meat a bit softer.

Separate cabbage leaves and remove big vessels with a knife and spread them on the bottom of pot (do not put oil in the pot).

Place one spoonful of meat in each leaf. Wrap it up. You can do this by folding each side over the meat and then rolling it. Or roll meat in leafs and then push sides into the meat so it does not fall apart.

Place rolls in pot, close to each other in couple of rows, also place dried salted meat in the rows, possibly between rolls.

Push rolls down with a plate. Boil water separately then pour it over rolls. Not over sides of the plate.
Once water is boiling turn down the heath and let rolls cook for an hour.

After an hour make the addition. In a cup mix flour, red pepper and water. Until mixture is smooth.

Now remove plate of the rolls, pure addition mix and stir as much as you can. Best is to twist pot left-right for a while.

Put plate back and cook rolls for another hour on less heath possible.

Serve with mashed potatoes or just with a homemade bread.

Dobar tek!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Stuffed spring chicken

  • 1 chicken
  • salt
  • 3 spoons of oil
  • 20 g (0,7 oz) onions
  • 30 g (1 oz) bacon
  • 3 slices of bread
  • 100-200 ml of milk
  • 2 eggs
  • spices (salt, pepper, chilly, parsley, vegeta)

Clean chicken, remove skin, rub salt on it and vegeta inside the chicken (in case you do not have vegeta, you can mix up some of your own favorite spices)

Cut bread in to small cubes and pour cold milk over it.

Cut onions, bacon and parsley in small pieces.


On hot oil simmer onions and bacon. Pour over bread ( that you took out of milk and drained it ) while hot.
Add eggs, parsley, salt, pepper, a bit of chilly and mix it all.

Stuff chicken with mixture. Close hole with toothpicks or stitch it up.

Place chicken in oven safe pan, pour hot oil over it and bake it on 180°C (356 F) for about 1 hour.Make sure you are keeping chicken moist by pouring it's baking juice over it, but also some water so chicken stays juicy.

Once done serve chicken with baked potatoes.

Dobar tek!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Johnnycake with cream


  • 600 g of flour
  • 200 ml of cream
  • 150 ml of lukewarm water
  • 2 flat teaspoon salt
  • 20 g of fresh yeast
  • olive oil for brushing
  • salt for sprinkling

First, remove the cream from the refrigerator to warm up.
Put flour on your board. The edges sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of salt.
Put a little heat 150 ml of water just to lukewarm. In water, crumble the yeast and stir to dissolve. In the middle of the pile of flour make a dent and pour water with yeast and cream.
Knead medium firm dough. If necessary, add a little more water, the exact amount depends on the quality of flour and cream.
The resulting dough knead about 15 minutes until it becomes elastic.

Make a ball, place the dough into the pot, cut him, cover.

Leave to rise an hour - two until double in bulk.

When the dough has risen remove it from the pot.
Round mold brush with oil and shape the bread.

Brush with oil and sprinkle with a little salt.

Leave to rise for another hour in the oven.

Bake at 220 ° for about 35 min.
Do not open the oven the first 20 minutes until you see a cake begins to yellow.
Leave it on the rack to cool completely.

Dobar tek!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Chutney - Ajvar

  • 10 kg horn peppers

  • 5 kg blue aubergine

  • 1 garlic
  • 3 hot pepperoni
  • salt, pepper
  • 1 l oil
Wash peppers, dry them, cut in half, clean seeds out and bake in oven in a foil covered oven safe pan (to avoid sticking to bottom of the pan). For best results do this one day before preparation.

Peal aubergine, cut in half, then boil in salted water,add alcoholic vinegar in water also.

Once peppers are baked and chilled, remove skin and grind them (meat grinder will do just fine)
Grind cooked and chilled aubergines and mix them with peppers.

In deep dish put 2 dl of oil. Once it is hot put mix of peppers and aubergines, stir well.
Grind garlic and hot peppers.
After one hour put grind garlic and hot peppers and add salt and pepper to your taste in mixture.The rest of oil is added slowly throughout the cooking.

Ajvar is stored in glass pots.
To prepare them you need to wash them, dry them very well, then place them in oven for a while on 100°C (to sterilize them). Fill them up while they are hot. Once filled, put them back in oven until a thin crust is made on top. Pour spoon of oil on top, close them, put back in oven and turn oven off.
Best is to leave them over night so it will all cool down. Store them in dark and cold place.

Use it as a dipping to meat dishes, french fries, or just as a bread spread.

Dobar tek!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fish stew in cauldron - Fiš

  • 2 kg carp
  • 75 dkg catfish
  • 25 dkg pike
  • 3-4 onions
  • 5 dkg salt
  • 15 dkg tomato sauce
  • 3 dkg cayenne pepper
  • 15 dkg sweet paprika
  • 2-3 hot pepperoni
Best prepared outside on camp fire.

Cleaned fish slice in pieces. Not to small - fish steak size :-) 

Peal and grate onions.

Bottom of cauldron cover with grated onions, then fish, then hot pepperoni and tomato sauce. Add 3-4 l of water and place above fire to cook.

Once stew is boiling add salt,cayenne pepper and sweet paprika(this are powdered spices) and cook for another 30 min.

Stew is not to be stirred, just gently twist cauldron left-right to mix it.

Serve it with homemade pasta, that is cooked separately and served on the side.

Dobar tek!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Zucchini sandwich

  • 3 medium size zucchini
  • 3-4 eggs
  • 100 g (3,5 oz) flour
  • 150-200 g (5-7 oz) turkey breast salami (or similar)
  • 200 g (7 oz) cheese (any sandwich cheese will do)
  • 180 g (6,3 oz) sour cream
  • salt, pepper, vegeta

Peal zucchini, then slice them lengthwise as thin as possible. Place in strainer and salt them. Leave for 30 min.

Drain zucchini and almost dried roll in flour. Preheat oil.

Fry zucchini till they get a bit blushed. Fried zucchini place on paper napkin to drain from extra oil. Put zucchini in oiled oven safe pan.(Or in several small aluminum foil containers.So each person has their portion.)

On top place salami, then cheese (grated), then zucchini and so on until you use all the supplies. Top layer can be or salami or zucchini.

Mix eggs and sour cream, pour it on sandwiches then place in oven on 200°C (392 F) for 30 min.

Best served warm!

 Dobar tek!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Jelly Oranges

  • 4 Oranges
  • 1 pck ( 3oz ) JELL-O strawberry flavor
  • 1 pck ( 3oz ) JELL-O lime flavor
  • 2 cups of warm water
  • 1/4 cup chopped strawberries
1 cup = 250 ml

Wash oranges well and cut them in half, by length.

Take the middle out ( you will need only orange skin).

Orange halves place in muffin molds or in small cups, with skin on the bottom and opening on top.

Make strawberry JELL-O. Mix powder with one cup of hot water until it is all melted, then leave for it to cool down a bit.

Chopped strawberries spread evenly in orange halves and cover with cooled strawberry JELL-O, place in fridge until it hardens.

In the mean time make lime JELL-O, cool it down a bit and then pour in to orange halves. Leave all together to chill in the fridge for couple of hours.

Before you serve it, take orange halves out of the mold and cut them in half. Make sure knife is dipped in hot water before you use it to cut Jelly Oranges!

Dobar tek!

Strawberries Marshmellow


  • 400 g (14 oz) white chocolate
  • 100 g (3,5 oz) marshmallows
  • 50 g (2 oz)dried cranberries 
  • 80 g (3 oz) dried  strawberries
First prepare mold, size app 20x20cm (app 8"x 8"). It size depends on how thick you want your sticks to be. Place transparent foil in the mold (if you moisten it a bit it will be easier to handle and it will stay in place).

Melt chocolate on steam.

Slice Marshmallows in small pieces, but not to small. Mix them into melted chocolate. Add cranberries and half of strawberries. Stir well and pour in to mold. Place rest of the strawberries on top as decoration.

Leave at room temperature around 3 hours for it to harden then you can cut it in to slices or sticks  serve it and enjoy.

Dobar tek!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Homemade bechamel

  • 80 g (2.82 oz) of butter
  • 80 g (2.82 oz) of wheat flour
  • 1.5 L of milk
  • salt
  • pepper

Heat 80 g (2.82 oz) of butter, then put  80 g (2.82 oz) of wheat flour on that.
Flour briefly saute on medium heat stirring constantly.

During this time, preheat 1,5 liters of milk, add salt and white pepper.

In the boiling milk, that you removed from heat, stir fried flour.
 Simmer for about 5 minutes stirring constantly with a whisk until you get thick and smooth sauce. :)